The Nutcracker

Drawing Contest

Contest Details and Rules

By entering this contest children and their legal represenatives agree to all of the following terms and conditions:

  1. The contest is open from 7 December 2023 to 15 January 2024 to all children from ages 5 to 12, grouped into three categories: ages 5 to 7, 8 to 10 and 11 to 12.

  2. Children may submit up to three drawings.

  3. Drawings must be on white A4 paper. They may be drawn with felt-tip pens, paint, gouache or collage. Drawings should not be framed or laminated, and should preferably not be folded when sent.

  4. All Nutcracker-themed drawings must be original creations by Contest entrants. For inspiration, children may wish to consult the gallery created by illustrator Marc Philippin, available on this page. Drawings may not be copies of previously published drawings

  5. The following information must appear legibly and in black on the back of the drawing: the child’s first name and surname, age and the name of the child’s legal representative, an email address, a postal address and a telephone number. The Fondation du Verbier Festival undertakes not to share or distribute this information, in accordance with the New Data Protection Act. Only the names of the winning children may be published by UNLTD in order to promote its activities, and this without any compensation.

  6. No writing may appear on the front of the design..

  7. Drawings must be sent by post only, postmarked no later than 15 January 2024, to the following address:

    Fondation du Verbier Festival

    Attention : UNLTD / Casse-Noisette
    Rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau 4
    1800 Vevey

  8. Drawings will not be returned to entrants.

  9. The Fondation du Verbier Festival is not responsible for any loss or damage to a drawing.

  10. The Fondation du Verbier Festival reserves the right to reproduce, publish and use the drawings received as part of this contest in any form, including but not limited to: flyers, posters, programmes, etc.