Reginald Veal

double bass

Reginald “Swingdoom” Veal represents the pinnacle of what music should be- balanced extensions of the artist’s aesthetical and spiritual ideas, mixed with a universal awareness for the world that surrounds him. Reginald has a music career that has spanned well over thirty-five years. During these years he has had the pleasure of lending his chops to the Who’s Who among the music world’s luminaries. Reginald’s love and openness for all music that lifts the spirit and touches the depths of the soul, inarguably has contributed to his musical genius and catapulted him among the ranks of the greatest bass players alive today. He believes when music comes from the heart and soul it is real and what comes from the heart reaches the heart. People close to Reginald say he can be a nonconformist. But that is what he thinks his fans love about him the most – the fact that they can depend on him to not follow the norm. Reginald is the alternative to the thing that is so easy to get. He is predictable, but in an unpredictable way. In other words, Reginald “Swingdoom” Veal is “A breath of fresh air.”