Janine Jansen


Violinist Janine Jansen works regularly with the world’s most eminent orchestras and conductors.   In season 21/22 she joins Berliner Philharmoniker under Chief Conductor Kirill Petrenko to perform their prestigious New Year’s Eve concerts as well as returning later in the season for concerts with Sakari Oramo. Further highlights include engagements with the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks/Mallwitz, Tonhalle Orchestra/Järvi, Santa Cecilia Orchestra/Pappano, Orchestre de Paris/Saraste, Swedish Radio Symphony/Mäkelä, Philharmonia Zurich/Noseda and Camerata Salzburg. In spring 2022 also returns to London Symphony Orchestra  for performances under Gianandrea Noseda.

Orchestral tours across Europe are planned with Chamber Orchestra of Europe, Amsterdam Sinfonietta and Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen under Paavo Järvi.

Together with pianist Denis Kozhukhin she will offer a duo recital programme across major cities including Vienna, Amsterdam, London, Berlin, Munich, Madrid, Barcelona, Brussels and Rome.

Janine records exclusively for Decca Classics. Her latest recording “12 Stradivari” released in September 2021, is a unique exploration of 12 great Stradivarius violins and the repertoire these extraordinary instruments inspired. The chosen repertoire is specially curated by Janine Jansen to showcase the unique qualities of each violin.

Aside from her successful Vivaldi’s Four Seasons recording back in 2003, her discography includes performances of Bartok’s Violin Concerto No. 1 with the London Symphony Orchestra and Brahms’ Violin Concerto with the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia conducted by Sir Antonio Pappano.  Other recording highlights include Beethoven and Britten with Paavo Järvi, Mendelssohn and Bruch with Riccardo Chailly, Tchaikovsky with Daniel Harding, Prokofiev Concerto No 2 with Vladimir Jurowski as well as two recordings featuring works by J.S. Bach. Janine has also released a number of chamber music discs, including Schubert’s String Quintet and Schönberg’s Verklärte Nacht and Sonatas by Debussy, Ravel and Prokofiev with pianist Itamar Golan.

She is Guest Artistic Director at the International Chamber Music Festival Utrecht, a festival she founded back in 2003. Since 2019 she is Professor of Violin at the HÉMU Sion (Haute École de Musique Vaud Valais Fribourg).

Janine has won numerous prizes, including the Herbert-von-Karajan Preis 2020, the Vermeer Prize 2018 awarded by the Dutch government, five Edison Klassiek Awards, der Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik, NDR Musikpreis for outstanding artistic achievement and the Concertgebouw Prize. She has been given the VSCD Klassieke Muziekprijs for individual achievement and the Royal Philharmonic Society Instrumentalist Award for performances in the UK.  In September 2015 she was awarded the Bremen MusikFest Award. Janine studied with Coosje Wijzenbeek, Philipp Hirshhorn and Boris Belkin.

17 juillet 2017 PLETNEV, JANSEN
Mikhaïl Pletnev dirige Glazounov & Tchaïkovski – avec Janine Jansen
04 août 2017 Chostakovitch : Trio pour violon, violoncelle et piano N° 1
deutsche grammophon
Deutsche Grammophon: Shostakovich Piano Trio No. 1
23 mars 2021 Playlist IDAGIO
Playlist : les solistes aux côtés du Verbier Festival Chamber Orchestra en 2021
21 juillet 2021 VFCO / Pappano / Jansen
Sir Antonio Pappano dirige Bruch et Brahms — avec Janine Jansen
22 juillet 2021 Rencontres Inédites II / Jansen – Maisky – Pletnev
Jansen, Maisky et Pletnev interprètent Beethoven et Tchaïkovski
23 juillet 2021 Rencontres Inédites III
Rencontres Inédites III / Bouchkov – Jansen – Martin – Tamestit – Imai – Helmerson – Kobekina – Mäkelä – Pappano
25 juillet 2021 Janine Jansen / Denis Kozhukhin
Jansen et Kozhukhin interprètent Beethoven, Clara Schumann et Brahms
26 juillet 2021 Rencontres Inédites IV
Rencontres Inédites IV / Jansen – Sitkovetsky – Power – Maisky – Soltani – Lugansky – Shani